MVC 4, AntiForgeryToken and Claims


Using Html.AntiForgeryToken in MVC 4 has changed slightly from the previous version if you’re building a claims-aware application. In prior versions User.Identity.Name was included in the anti-forgery token as a way to validate the <form> being submitted, but in MVC 4 if the identity is IClaimsIdentity (WIF) or ClaimsIdentity (.NET 4.5) then the anti-forgery token attempts to put one or more claim values into the anti-forgery token.

The problem is which claim(s) should it use? The value needs to uniquely identifier the user, so by default MVC expects the nameidentifier (“” from OASIS) and the identityprovider (“” from Windows Azure ACS). So if you’re using ACS as your STS then you’re all set. If you’re not using ACS then you’ll see this error:

A claim of type ‘’ or ‘’ was not present on the provided ClaimsIdentity. To enable anti-forgery token support with claims-based authentication, please verify that the…

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